Committed to making a difference
At Unisys, Anthony ran the enterprise server business as VP/GM. He led exceptionally talented teams responsible for creating several of Unisys’ most successful enterprise server products including the world’s first Intel mainframe, generating billions of dollars in revenue.
Open SOlutions Alliance
Seeing an opportunity in the burgeoning open source market, Anthony developed a plan for a software & services business to take open source into the enterprise. Within three years of operation, the business contributed over $100M in highly profitable revenue. Anthony also co-founded the Open Solutions Alliance, a non-profit industry consortium comprised of some of the world’s top open source companies to help usher in the then-new era of open source software.
Roar for Good
Having been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, Anthony fell in love with building companies – particularly those with a mission to make a difference in the world. He joined several boards and subsequently ran a healthcare IT startup partnering with some of the world’s top physicians. He also co-founded ROAR for Good, a wearable tech B-corporation focused on reducing assaults and empowering women. After running one of Indiegogo’s most successful crowdfunding campaigns, achieving over 400 media hits, and shipping their first product, Anthony stepped back from the day to day operations to return to his passion of helping people and companies succeed.

"Unisys has become Open Source’s biggest services gun with Anthony Gold as one of the top business leaders in open source software. "
Network Solutions

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